Money and Payments in the Digital Age: CBDCs, Stablecoins, and Cross-Border Payments

Money and payments are evolving fast. Learn about CBDCs, stablecoins, and cross-border payments where you will discover how they work, their pros and cons, and their implications for the future. #money #payments #CBDCs #stablecoins #crossborderpayments

Money and Payments in the Digital Age: CBDCs, Stablecoins, and Cross-Border Payments
Photo by Aidan Bartos / Unsplash

Money and payments are essential for the functioning of the economy and society, but they are also constantly evolving with new technologies and innovations. In this blog post, we will explore some of the latest developments and trends in money and payments, focusing on three main topics: central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), stablecoins, and cross-border payments. We will explain what these concepts are, how they work, what are their benefits and drawbacks, and what are the implications for the future of money and payments.

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Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)

A CBDC is a digital form of money issued by a central bank, rather than by a commercial bank or a private entity. It is a type of central bank electronic money that can be used for both retail and wholesale payments. A retail CBDC would be accessible to the general public, while a wholesale CBDC would be used for transactions between financial institutions. A CBDC would be a liability of the central bank, backed by its assets and monetary policy, and would have legal tender status.

Some of the potential benefits of a CBDC are:

  • It could provide a safe, efficient, and inclusive alternative to cash and other forms of payment, especially in a digital economy where cash usage is declining and new forms of private digital money are emerging.
  • It could enhance financial stability by reducing the risk of bank runs, increasing the resilience of the payment system, and facilitating the transmission of monetary policy.
  • It could foster innovation and competition in the payment sector by providing a public platform for private firms to offer value-added services and by reducing the market power of dominant players.
  • It could improve cross-border payments by enabling faster, cheaper, and more transparent transactions between countries and regions.

Some of the potential drawbacks of a CBDC are:

  • It could pose operational and cyber risks for the central bank and the payment system, requiring robust design, governance, and security measures.
  • It could have negative effects on the banking system and the financial intermediation process, by reducing the demand for bank deposits and the profitability of banks, and by creating disintermediation and volatility in the money markets.
  • It could raise complex legal, regulatory, and policy issues, such as the protection of privacy and data, the prevention of illicit activities, the coordination with other jurisdictions, and the impact on monetary sovereignty and exchange rates.

Several central banks around the world are exploring the possibility of issuing a CBDC, either through research, experimentation, or consultation. However, no major economy has yet launched a CBDC, and the decision to do so depends on various factors, such as the specific needs and circumstances of each country, the public acceptance and demand, and the trade-offs and risks involved.


A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency that aims to maintain a stable value by being pegged to a reference asset, such as a fiat currency, a commodity, or another cryptocurrency. Unlike most cryptocurrencies, which are volatile and speculative, stablecoins are designed to be used as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. Stablecoins can be issued by private entities, such as companies or platforms, or by decentralized networks, such as blockchain or smart contracts.

Some of the potential benefits of stablecoins are:

  • They could offer faster, cheaper, and more convenient payments, especially for cross-border and online transactions, by leveraging the advantages of distributed ledger technology, such as transparency, immutability, and programmability.
  • They could increase financial inclusion and access, by enabling anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection to use digital money, without the need for a bank account or an intermediary.
  • They could foster innovation and diversity in the payment sector, by providing new opportunities and business models for entrepreneurs and developers, and by offering more choice and flexibility for consumers and merchants.

Some of the potential drawbacks of stablecoins are:

  • They could pose significant regulatory and oversight challenges, by operating outside the conventional financial system, and by raising questions about the legal status, consumer protection, market integrity, and financial stability of stablecoins and their issuers.
  • They could undermine confidence and trust in money, by creating fragmentation and confusion among different forms of money, and by exposing users to the risk of loss, fraud, or default, especially if the stablecoins are not fully backed, redeemable, or audited.
  • They could have adverse effects on monetary policy and sovereignty, by reducing the demand for and the effectiveness of central bank money, and by creating spillovers and contagion across borders and currencies.

Several stablecoins have emerged in recent years, such as Tether, USD Coin, and Diem (formerly Libra), with varying degrees of success and controversy. However, no stablecoin has yet achieved widespread adoption or acceptance, and the regulatory and supervisory frameworks for stablecoins are still evolving and vary across jurisdictions.

Cross-border payments

Cross-border payments are financial transactions that occur between parties located in different countries. These payments involve the transfer of funds or assets from one country to another, typically through banks or other financial institutions. These transactions can be initiated by individuals or businesses and can be made using a variety of payment methods.

Some of the current challenges of cross-border payments are:

  • They are slow, expensive, and unreliable, due to the complexity and inefficiency of the existing payment systems and networks, which often involve multiple intermediaries, different standards, and manual processes.
  • They are inaccessible and untransparent, due to the limited availability and interoperability of payment services and infrastructure, especially in low-income and emerging markets, and due to the lack of information and disclosure on fees, exchange rates, and delivery times.
  • They are subject to regulatory and compliance frictions, due to the diversity and inconsistency of legal and regulatory frameworks across countries, and due to the need to comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing rules, which can increase costs and delays.

Some of the ongoing efforts to improve cross-border payments are:

  • The G20 roadmap to enhance global cross-border payments, which is a comprehensive and coordinated plan to address the key frictions and gaps in cross-border payments, involving various international organizations, standard-setting bodies, and public and private sector stakeholders.
  • The development and upgrade of central bank and private sector payment systems, which aim to increase the speed, efficiency, and security of cross-border payments, by expanding access, extending operating hours, and adopting new technologies and standards.
  • The interlinking of fast payment systems, which enable real-time and low-cost cross-border payments, by connecting domestic payment systems across countries and regions, using various technological solutions and governance arrangements.
  • The implementation of data standards and harmonization, which facilitate the smooth and accurate flow of information and communication across payment systems and networks, by using common messaging formats, such as ISO 20022, and by developing APIs and other tools.
  • The pursuit of more effective and coordinated regulatory frameworks, which reduce unnecessary or inconsistent regulatory barriers and frictions, by updating and aligning rules and requirements, such as the FATF recommendation on wire transfers, and by enhancing cooperation and oversight among authorities.
  • The support for innovation and competition, which foster new and better payment solutions and services, by providing access and opportunities for non-bank payment providers, by exploring the potential of new technologies, such as CBDCs and stablecoins, and by ensuring a level playing field and consumer protection.


Money and payments are undergoing rapid and profound changes, driven by technological innovation, user demand, and market competition. These changes offer new possibilities and benefits for individuals and businesses but also pose new risks and challenges for central banks and regulators.

Key points:

  • CBDCs are digital forms of money issued by central banks, which could provide a safe, efficient, and inclusive alternative to cash and other forms of payment, but also raise complex operational, financial, and policy issues.
  • Stablecoins are types of cryptocurrencies that aim to maintain a stable value by being pegged to a reference asset, which could offer faster, cheaper, and more convenient payments, but also pose significant regulatory and oversight challenges.
  • Cross-border payments are financial transactions that occur between parties located in different countries, They are currently slow, expensive, and unreliable, but are being improved by various ongoing efforts and initiatives.

P.S. What are your thoughts on the future of money and payments? Do you have any questions or comments on the topics we discussed? Let us know in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of the blog writer and his affiliations and are for informational purposes only.

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